Labre Law Office | Family Law & Criminal Defense Lawyer | Edwardsburg, MI

A New Arrival!

March 22, 2020 – Rob LaBre

I’m proud to announce that the LaBre family added another addition: Kara Marguerite LaBre. She was born March 15, 2019 weighing 8 pounds even with Apgar in the 9s.

We had a pre-scheduled c-section two weeks before Kara’s due date. This our fourth child. All of them have been c-section, as Stacy is prone to Toxemia and hypertension. In fact, even though we had Kara early, Stacy still had protein in her blood. The doctor put her on magnesium to off-set the potential for a stroke.

Kara’s been an absolute dream for Stacy and I. She sleeps 3-4 hours at a time, get up, eats, and goes back to sleep. Like all other LaBre’s, she’s extremely vocal when she wants something. We don’t have to guess what she wants. Her grunts, cries, and baby noises clearly state whether its food or a change of diaper that she’s looking for. Lucky mama and papa.

It’s been fun watching our other three children welcome her. All of them instantly bonded with Kara. We thought there might be some jealousy or confusion. But that’s not what’s happened. Instead, all of them check in on her regularly, give her kisses, tell us when they think Kara needs something, and want to hold her. Even Shirley, our dog, goes up to check in on her. She doesn’t leave her side at night, preferring to sleep next to the crib.

I’ve been thankful for all the support from our parents. My Mom and Dad have been great in helping with transportation and supervision when we need it. My mother-in-law, Kathy, came down for a couple weeks to help us out, allowing Stacy to recover and me to work.

In general, if I had to sum it up: I’m thankful for the gifts I have right now. I have a wonderful, loving, and supportive family and healthy children. Life doesn’t get much better than that.

A New Arrival - Labre Law Office - Edwardsburg, MI 49112

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